The Night Magick Tarot: Review

The Night Magick Tarot is a stunning example of how modern Tarot decks can both rely on traditional interpretations and still be radically unique in presentation. This 78-card deck was self-published in 2022 by artist and experienced Tarot reader Wryteril.

The deck came with a velvety dark blue Tarot pouch. The front and backs the cards have a dark blue background. The artwork itself can be described as nebulous formations of light against a dark background, mostly resembling stars, moons, and other objects in the galaxy. The images on some cards seem to be set in deep outer space, while others show the night sky as seen through the branches of trees here on earth.

Knight of Clouds

The “intuitive artwork,” as Wryteril calls it, are abstract, rather than the realistic images usually portrayed on a typical Tarot deck, including those published relatively recently. For some, the images are so outside of expectation that at first glance it may seem as if the images are confusingly similar to each other or that there is nothing to see but shadows and light.

Two of Moons

However, the Night Magick Tarot has great potential for deep and meaningful interpretations—as great as any deck I have ever worked with. Looking for meaning in these cards is almost like scrying. It’s quite possible to get lost within the images to see far beyond what the artwork suggests.

King of Wreaths

The guidebook says, “Combining the energy of the universe with the intellect of the ancients, you will connect with your guides on an alternate level. The Night Magick Tarot may not provide answers directly, but it will guide you through the magic that is within oneself, and through the subtlety of the symbols within each card.”

The Hierophant

The guidebook is a poetic, beautifully written 71-page .pdf sent to me from the authors upon request. Written by Wryteril and Morrighan Moon, the guidebook is comprehensive in its scope. It provides interpretations for each card that correspond to the Rider-Waite-Smith tradition, including upright and shadow (reversed) meanings. The suits in this deck are Branches (Wands), Clouds (Swords), Moons (Cups), and Wreaths (Pentacles).

Seven of Branches

To my delight, the guidebook also explains the artwork from the artist’s point of view so that anyone using the deck can pull deeper meaning from the images. For instance, the Two of Moons is described as, “The energy of the two crescent moons revealing their light to one another shows that balance and harmony that is beckoned forward.” The King of Wreaths: “With the gold crusting the wreath and the planet, you will see the planet is surrounded by leaves. This shows … abundance and comfort…” The Hierophant: “The tallest tree stands fierce, surrounded by wise others. Trees communicate with one another…” The Seven of Branches: “Learning from the echoes of others.”

Granted, the author’s descriptions may differ from what you see on the card. But at least the user is given an example of how one can approach reading with these cards,

The World

I became aware of the Night Magick Tarot through my interactions with Wryteril on social media. I’m so happy that I jumped at the opportunity to purchase this deck in a timely fashion since I have lost contact with Wryteril and as of this writing, the deck is no longer available at the publisher I bought it from. If I ever get more information about the availability of this deck, I will share it here.

The Night Magick Tarot calls to me. The moon is prominent in my astrological chart, which is a reason why I resonate quite strongly with the night sky theme and the vast number of moon depicted on the cards. I expect using this deck will give me an opportunity to develop my intuitive abilities even further.

9 thoughts on “The Night Magick Tarot: Review

  1. Having read your review and seeing the images I’m completely fascinated by this deck, and I can find nothing else on the web about it. Perhaps one day I will be fortunate enough to stumble across it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! I don’t have sales online at this stage, as I would rather sell in person at markets or in store. I’ll probably revisit this some day soon, especially given how beautiful of a review this was. You have really motivated and encouraged me! Thank you so, so much. If things go back online soon, I’ll be sure to let you know. Once again thank you so much, I’m so lucky I checked in on how Night Magick was travelling because I came across your review! Made my week amazing already! I hope you are doing really well xx

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