Message From Spirit – Full Moon In Sagittarius Edition

Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius! Here are today’s messages from Spirit for each zodiac sign! Check for your sun, moon, and rising. Like, comment, or share if this resonates with you.

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Aries – Pay attention to your emotions, but you don’t have to do anything about them today. Just observe.

Taurus – Let go of negative thinking about your past. Forgive yourself.

Gemini – You are coming up on a period of financial stability. Plan carefully

Cancer – You have come far in your spiritual journey. Congratulations

Leo – The only limitations you have are the ones you create in your mind. Free yourself

Virgo – Take charge of your life and do what your spirit is called to do

Libra – Celebrate the victories in your life, big and small. You deserve it

Scorpio – You don’t have to be miserable. Make a decision to move on to a better situation

Sagittarius – You are doing a great job, but there is still more to do. Keep going

Capricorn – Clear out what you don’t need in your life. It’s time to make way for the new

Aquarius – Don’t be so quick to turn down an opportunity. Sleep on it and first, then decide. You may still decide to pass, but at least you gave the idea a chance

Pisces – Events will develop quickly. Be in the moment and trust your gut instincts

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