Tag Archives: full moon

Full Moon In Scorpio – How To Work With The Energies

The full moon in Scorpio is exact on April 23 at 7:49 p.m. eastern time. We are completely done with eclipse season and on April 25 at 7:54 a.m., Mercury stations direct.

But we’re not out of the clear yet!

As I’ve been saying for a while now, the energies are not ripe for starting things anew. This full moon in Scorpio—like all full moons do—marks a time to review what has been going on in the recent past, reap the rewards of what you have been working on, plan your next moves, and eliminate what no longer serves you. If eclipse season has impacted you in a significant way, this is a time to pick up the pieces and deal with what’s already on your plate.

The Scorpio full moon energy will help you sort things out. Scorpio is known for diving deep into their inner core—their soul—and digging up the truth of the matter. Their emotions run deep. Sometimes Scorpios are secretive. Perhaps the things they dig up are not pretty or they are concerned that the average person would approve or understand.

To add to that, Scorpio is the sign of change and transformation. In traditional astrology, Scorpio is ruled by Mars, a destructive force that can have beneficial uses. Think of a wrecking ball bringing down an old unused building in order to replace it with a new structure. The modern ruler of Scorpio is Pluto, the no nonsense planet of change by way of exerting your personal power.

To work with the energy of the full moon in Scorpio, allow your deep-seated emotions to come to the surface. Feel. Observe. Analyze. Then, find ways to transform them into something that is useful. For instance, working through fear can lead to bravery. Anger can be used as motivation to take positive action. Sadness can be transmuted through self-care and unconditional self-love. Happiness can be shared with others to help lift their spirits, which they can share with more people, in turn.

In two weeks, the new moon in Taurus, the sign of manifestation, will be here soon enough. This is around the same time as the end of the Mercury retrograde shadow period. As they say, April showers bring May flowers. So hang in there!

Join me on Patreon for more astrology talk plus Tarot readings for your zodiac sign.

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse In Libra – How To Work With The Energies

The full moon/lunar eclipse in Libra will be exact at 3:06 a.m. on March 25. This is a penumbral eclipse, which means that the moon will only pass over the outer edge of Earth’s shadow. The moon’s journey across the earth’s shadow will begin at 12:53 and end at 5:32 a.m. Astrologically, the energy of this eclipse is not as strong as when the moon is totally eclipsed by the Earth and visually, it looks much like a typical full moon.

Nevertheless, this lunar eclipse is still a super-charged full moon and the full moon symbolism still applies. It’s about letting go of situations and mindsets that you have outgrown. It’s about seeing the results of the hard work you have put into certain areas of your life.

Eclipses are associated with dramatic life changes and as such, many people get nervous about what could possibly happen during eclipse season. With all full moons, emotions run high. But with a lunar eclipse, the intensity may be felt during the entire full moon cycle, not just on the day of the full moon. Other astrological transits that happen during eclipse season also seem more intense, which may cause you to feel anxious and out of sorts.

Keep in mind, though, that whatever happens during eclipse season is just a continuation of your life. Changes that happen as a result of the eclipse energy usually don’t happen out of the blue. Rather, it’s a progression of what is already going on with you.

The difference is that you may not have paid much attention to the signs and synchronicities that led up to the changes. The details were “eclipsed” from your view and you may be caught by surprise, even though the seeds were planted long ago and the crops were growing all along.

By the same token, because the eclipse energy is heightened, it may not be wise to push your agenda too hard during eclipse season. Also, remember that in this case, Mercury retrograde starts on April 1, so pace yourself. The cosmic energies themselves will likely guide you to where you need to be. The goal is for you to be observant, aware, intentional, and flexible. Navigate your life and honor any emotions that may come up for you during this time as a way of co-creating your future.

How or if this full moon/lunar eclipse in Libra will affect you depends on your astrological chart. But generally speaking, think about what the zodiac sign of Libra represents to get an idea of how to work with the energies.

Some of the keywords for Libra are relationships, balance, and fairness. Therefore, in any area of your life, think about how you can eliminate aspects of your life that are not balanced and fair. With Libra now in the south node, the cosmic goal is to make sure you are being fair to yourself first and foremost, rather than compromising to the point where other people are happy and you feel short changed.

Adopting this attitude and enforcing healthy boundaries within relationships will serve you well during these next two weeks. Looking ahead, the new moon/total solar eclipse in Aries is coming up on April 8. At that time, you will begin to see tremendous possibilities for self-empowerment. We will still have to get through the rest of Mercury retrograde, but at least there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Join me on Patreon for more astrology talk plus Tarot readings for your zodiac sign.

Full Moon in Virgo — How To Work With The Energies

Full moon in New Jersey, T minus 12 hours Friday night. Photo by Adriene Joyce (Ms. Joyce Tarot)

The full moon in Virgo will be exact on February 24 at 7:30 a.m. eastern time. I’m really loving this energy—not because it will be easy, but because it is all about getting our stuff together as we head toward the astrological new year.

What I am referring to is that many in the astrology world consider the start of Aries season to be the true new year, as Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. The first eclipse season of this year will happen during Aries season, as well. But more on that as we get closer to that time.

For now, keep in mind that today’s full moon is a chance to really dig into the symbolism of the Virgo zodiac sign, in addition to the symbolism of full moons in general.

Full moons are great times to eliminate what is not working for you and to review the results of what you have been working on materially and spiritually up to this point. The full moon in Virgo loves doing these tasks.

Virgo is a mutable earth sign ruled by the planet Mercury. As such, Virgo characteristics include being logical, detail oriented, focused on practical matters, and organized. Virgo is also flexible enough to go with the flow and switch gears if the situation calls for it. While there may be anxiety that comes with taking on such responsibility, Virgos are excellent problem solvers.

To work with the energies of this full moon in Virgo, consider addressing any issues that keep you from being your most efficient self. Think about how you can best organize your daily schedules and routines so that you work smarter, not harder. This is a great time to do your taxes, review your budget, and do other financial maintenance.

Get on top of your health regimen (diet, exercise, hydration, sleep schedule). Remember that your body is the vehicle for your soul. You need your body to assist you in doing the spiritual work.

Consider this full moon cycle to be training for all the exciting things you want to accomplish the rest of the year.

Join me on Patreon for more astrology talk plus Tarot readings for your zodiac sign.

Full Moon in Leo — How To Work With The Energies

The full moon in Leo is exact on January 25, 12:53 eastern. It sets us up for the next two weeks of the lunar cycle—and maybe even for the next 20 years!

I say that because Pluto is continuing its transit from Capricorn, where it had been since 2008, to Aquarius, where it will be until 2044. For the past year or so, Pluto has been going back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius due to retrograde motion—most recently, it re-entered Aquarius on January 20. But in November 2024, it will be in Aquarius to stay.

You might feel shifts in the energy with Pluto making waves, but because its transit is so long, it will take quite some time before you see how your particular Pluto in Aquarius story will play out. To be sure, some area of your life will be transformed, as Pluto is the planet of personal power and transformation. If you follow Pluto’s lead, you will realize that you have more power than you think you do and you will be given the opportunity to reclaim it.

So how does this tie in with the full moon in Leo? Full moons are about letting go of situations and ideas that hold you back. You may see some results of what you have been working on materially and spiritually, and you may also have a clearer picture of what you need to do to stay on track with your goals.

To work with the energies of the Leo full moon in particular, think about how you can embody Leo traits. Having a big, loving heart is one of those traits. Being persistent and creative are others. But the one trait I’d like to highlight is the characteristic Leo flair—that is, putting yourself out there and being a superstar.

However, it will be especially important to balance out the potential shadow aspect of Leo’s attention seeking. Instead, set your intention to be comfortable in your skin and to not be afraid to let your light shine!

Earlier, I said that the full moon in Leo is a set up for Pluto in Aquarius. Remember that Leo is the opposite sign of Aquarius. Opposite signs often have similar goals, but sometimes they reach those goals in different ways and sometimes in similar ways. Like Leo, Aquarius is also about being comfortable in your own skin and being unapologetically you, regardless of any praise and recognition you get. That concept will play a part in our Pluto in Aquarius adventure.

For the full moon in Leo cycle, it’s okay if you get a little recognition for being yourself. Take it all in and enjoy. Just make sure you are doing something that you are proud of even when you are alone and there is no audience to admire you.

Join me on Patreon for more astrology talk plus Tarot readings for each zodiac sign.

Full Moon in Cancer — How To Work With The Energies

Created by Adriene Joyce (Ms. Joyce Tarot) with Dream by Wombo.

The full moon in Cancer is exact on December 26 at 7:33 p.m. eastern. Full moon cycles are perfect for letting go of what no longer serves your highest purpose.

This idea aligns nicely with what a lot of people are thinking right now as we approach the end of the calendar year. You may want to make new year’s resolutions (intentions) to get rid of bad habits and improve your quality of life.

The Cancer is a water sign that is considered to be emotional and associated with home, family, and nurturing—but in a badass way! Although Cancer is often perceived to be maternal, soft, and squishy, but I can’t help but point out that Cancer is a cardinal sign. It assumes an active, leadership role.

Imagine stumbling upon a group of bear cubs: The mother bear sees you as a threat. It will come after you—and not with tears of compassion in its eyes…. The maternal instinct is protective, strong willed, and fierce.

When I think of Cancer, I also think about its association with the Chariot card in Tarot. The forces pulling the vehicle are pointed in opposite directions, and it is up to the driver to rein them in. The driver takes control by using their will-power and determination to get the chariot moving the direction that was intended.

To work with the energies of this Cancer full moon cycle, work on getting rid of situations that you are not aligned with emotionally. This could involve protecting your personal well-being and or that of your household and family.

Also, take into consideration the direction you want to go in for the upcoming new year. What are the obstacles in your way? Use your emotional intelligence and honor the desires of your heart of hearts to achieve your goals. Believe that where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Join me on Patreon for more astrology talk plus Tarot readings for your zodiac sign.

Full Moon in Gemini — How To Work With The Energies

Created by Adriene Joyce (Ms. Joyce Tarot) with Dream by Wombo.

The Full Moon in Gemini is exact on November 27 at 4:16 a.m. eastern time. Full moon cycles are ideal for letting go of situations, thought patterns, and behaviors that don’t work for you anymore. Think of it as decluttering your life emotionally and spiritually. In addition, decluttering your actual living space is a great way to move energy symbolically from the physical to the metaphysical realm.

To work with the energies of the Gemini full moon, think about Gemini qualities and traits. Gemini, ruled by the planet Mercury, is an air sign and therefore associated with thinking processes, logic, and communication.

Gemini is known to be a curious sign. The world is their mirror: Gemini learns more about themselves by observing similarities and differences between themselves and the “other.”

Also, keep in mind that in western astrology, Gemini is represented by the Twins. As a mutable sign, Gemini is keenly aware of the duality and contrasts that live within themselves. As such, Gemini teaches us all how to live with our own contradictions, and to integrate shadow and light. Acceptance of the mutability within us gives us the freedom and open mindedness to explore all kinds of knowledge.

This full moon in Gemini lunar cycle is perfect for letting go of any mental restrictions that keep you from trying new things. The symbolism of this moment is especially strong as we head closer to 2024. “Out with the old,” as they say! “In with the new” will be the mantra with the new moon coming up in 2 weeks.

Join me on Patreon for more astrology talk and plus Tarot readings for your zodiac sign.

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Taurus — How To Work With The Energies

Created by Adriene Joyce (Ms. Joyce Tarot) with Dream by Wombo. All rights reserved.

The full moon in Taurus is exact on Saturday, October 28 at 4:24 p.m. eastern time. It’s a partial lunar eclipse and can be seen in portions of Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North America, South America, and Antarctica. The journey of the moon passing over the earth’s shadow (that is, when the earth blocks sunlight from reaching the moon) begins at 2:01 p.m. and ends at 6:26 p.m.

One thing that makes this full moon/lunar eclipse in Taurus special is that it is the last eclipse in this sign for a while, completing the Taurus-Scorpio axis eclipse cycle that began in 2021. Now is a great time to think about what’s been going on with you for the past 18 months or so and how your life is different now as opposed to then.

Another interesting feature of this lunar eclipse is that Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus, is also the ruling planet of Libra, where we had the solar eclipse two weeks ago. As a result, the two eclipses have similar themes centered on self-worth—Venus style—which involves becoming more comfortable setting your boundaries and being true to your authentic needs and desires.

By itself, Taurus is a zodiac sign whose key words are about determining what is valuable and what is not, material possessions, taking care of physical needs, and enjoying the pleasures derived from the five senses.

The shadow side of Taurus can manifest as material greed and over-indulgence in earthly pleasures. However, keep in mind that wanting material wealth and creature comforts are not a bad thing in and of themselves.

In its highest expression, Taurus is about having an abundance mindset coming from a place of integrity and high self-esteem. It’s about taking responsibility for meeting your own needs, enjoying life as it is in 3D reality, and thinking enough of yourself to look good and maintain your health.

And please don’t underestimate Taurus’ spiritual gifts. Being observant and paying attention to the five senses is the pathway for tapping into the “sixth sense” and the basis of a strong intuition.

During the height of the full moon/lunar eclipse in Taurus, ride the cosmic waves. Take a few days to let the energy wash over you and guide you toward what your next steps will be. In the days after that, use the energy of this full moon cycle to help you let go of situations in your life that are not in your best interest and lessen your sense of worthiness.

Be careful about how much you consume, whether it’s food, news reports, social media, or personal drama. Stay hydrated and get the proper rest that you need. Redecorate and otherwise beautify your surroundings. And focus your gratitude on the goodness in your life, not on what is lacking.

You have learned a lot over these past two weeks and indeed, over the past two years. You are strong enough and wise enough to handle all the best that life has in store for you.

Join my Patreon page for more astrology talk and daily Tarot.

Full Moon Friday! Tarot Messages For Each Zodiac Sign

Happy Full Moon in Aries, all! Here some today’s messages from Spirit for each zodiac sign! Check for your sun, moon, and rising. Comment and share if this resonates with you. Many blessings! ❤️


Take time to process all the lessons you learned during the past few months. This will help ground you for whatever comes next when eclipse season starts in mid October


You have a lot of irons in the fire. Stay focused in order to manage it all. You can succeed with sheer willpower.


Continue to take care of money matters, health, and daily routines. The reward is comfort and stability within your household.


Enjoy the goodness life has to offer you. Stay in the moment. Don’t give in to doubt.


Take some time out to meditate or simply rest. You’ve been through a lot. Recharge your batteries.


Reconsider how you have been using your energy. You may need to put in more effort or else pull back a little in order to get the results you want.


Check in with yourself to make sure you are not stuck in an outdated thought pattern. There is always more to learn.


Pay attention to downloads you get from the cosmos. You are due for new insights and clarity.


Be open to new experiences and opportunities. Embrace the new you.


Rise above any drama and chaos this full moon may bring. Be comfortable in your own skin and stand your ground.


You’re making good progress. Gather your energy and resources for the next phase.


The results are in and you are getting the blessings that are rightfully yours. Continue to speak up for yourself when needed.

Full Moon in Aries — How To Work With The Energies

Created by Adriene Joyce (Ms. Joyce Tarot) with Dream by Wombo. All rights reserved.

The full moon in Aries, the last supermoon of the year, reaches peak illumination on September 29, 5:58 a.m. eastern time. Generally, full moon cycles are not ideal to begin something completely new. But they are good times to:

  • Work on something you have already started
  • Plan for new beginnings at a later date (preferably during a new moon cycle)
  • Eliminate practices and situations that are outdated and no longer work for you
  • Reap the rewards of your previous hard work.

The last point fits perfectly with the theme of this Aries full moon. This one is called the Harvest Moon—a name first used by the Algonquin and Iroquois tribes of North America because it is the full moon that is closest to the fall equinox in the northern hemisphere. Therefore, if you have been working toward a particular goal, the cosmic forces are aligned right now to give you what you have been trying to achieve.

Keep in mind that not everything will happen at once! But there is a good chance you will start to see the pieces fall in place for you. Eclipse season is right around the corner, arriving in about 2 weeks with the new moon in Libra. Now is the time to start preparing for what may lie ahead.

The zodiac sign of Aries is about taking decided action. Among other things, the Aries archetype is known for getting their wants and needs met. To work with the full moon energy, eliminate situations that keep you from going after your dreams. For example, catch yourself when you engage in negative self-talk and redirect the internal conversation to a more positive attitude.

Although Aries likes to initiate new projects, use that fiery passion instead to move existing projects along closer to completion. Stay focused on the present moment and pay attention when the rewards and benefits of your past efforts start to pay off. These opportunities may seem new anyway because maybe you had given up on the idea that they would come through!

Put the dynamic Aries energy to good use and further your success.

(Join my Patreon page for weekly astrological forecasts that include detailed 3-card Tarot readings for each zodiac sign. Or you can visit my Patreon shop to purchase the latest weekly post.)