Category Archives: Spirituality Talk

New Moon/Solar Eclipse In Aries – How To Work With The Energies

The new moon/solar eclipse in Aries is finally here! The new moon will be exact on April 8 at 2:21 p.m. eastern time.

This is a total solar eclipse, which will be visible across a narrow path in North America from Mexico to Canada. Locations in the U.S. that will be in the path of 100% totality are portions of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont New Hampshire, Maine, Tennessee, and Michigan.

However, no matter where you are in the world, we all will feel the energetic influence of this powerful solar eclipse.

New moons are symbolic of new beginnings and as I often say, solar eclipses are new moons on steroids. When it comes to eclipses, people have various ways of working with the energies. For my part, as I mentioned with the lunar eclipse in Libra 2 weeks ago and as I say with every eclipse, eclipses are not the ideal time to push your agenda either way.

Eclipses represent major shifts in energy and there may be changes happening in your life that you didn’t exactly plan for, or else something in your soul calls you to follow through with specific actions. Consider dealing with what you already have on your plate until the conditions are better for moving forward.

When we think of the new moon in Aries, the cardinal sign of new starts, high energy, and bold action, it would seem that all systems are ready to go. But, because this new moon is also a solar eclipse, there may be details you must attend to first—not to mention the emotions that may be stirred up within you.  Also keep in mind that we are right in the middle of a Mercury retrograde, in the sign Aries no less. So, this is not a great time for pushing new beginnings.

But how is this for Divine timing: Mercury retrograde will be over on April 24, the same day as the Full moon in Scorpio! That will be a great opportunity to clean up the mess and get rid of what no longer serves your highest good. Then, the new moon in Taurus will be on May 7 and Mercury retrograde post-shadow period is over on May 13. When we get there, set intentions to manifest to your heart’s desire!

Join me on Patreon for more astrology talk plus Tarot readings for your zodiac sign.

Tarot Card Meditation: Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups from the Deviant Moon Tarot

(A version of this post originally appeared on my Patreon page on March 5, 2024. Join to unlock daily Tarot readings and more. Free memberships also are available.)

In this image of the Queen of Cups from the Deviant Moon Tarot, and even in the Rider-Waite-Smith version, the character seems to concentrate intensely on the contents of the cup.

At its best, this represents being in touch with your emotions, tapped into your intuition, and compassionate toward the people you come into contact with. On the shadow side, there can be delusion.

Delusion, as I see it, is believing things are the way you want them to be instead of the way they are so as to avoid the pain of acceptance. It’s an unhelpful way to regulate emotions. 

I can relate to that because I had used delusion as a coping mechanism for many years. I also think about my late mom. In her astrological chart, she had five planets in Pisces—a sensitive water sign that can be prone to wearing rose-colored glasses. And God love her, she had her moments.

The thing is that you can be productive and successful in nearly every area of your life and still be lost in your own emotional world.

Anger, sadness, and frustration are part of the emotional landscape. To truly be in control of your feelings is to acknowledge pain as well as joy.

Comments are welcome.

Full Moon in Virgo — How To Work With The Energies

Full moon in New Jersey, T minus 12 hours Friday night. Photo by Adriene Joyce (Ms. Joyce Tarot)

The full moon in Virgo will be exact on February 24 at 7:30 a.m. eastern time. I’m really loving this energy—not because it will be easy, but because it is all about getting our stuff together as we head toward the astrological new year.

What I am referring to is that many in the astrology world consider the start of Aries season to be the true new year, as Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. The first eclipse season of this year will happen during Aries season, as well. But more on that as we get closer to that time.

For now, keep in mind that today’s full moon is a chance to really dig into the symbolism of the Virgo zodiac sign, in addition to the symbolism of full moons in general.

Full moons are great times to eliminate what is not working for you and to review the results of what you have been working on materially and spiritually up to this point. The full moon in Virgo loves doing these tasks.

Virgo is a mutable earth sign ruled by the planet Mercury. As such, Virgo characteristics include being logical, detail oriented, focused on practical matters, and organized. Virgo is also flexible enough to go with the flow and switch gears if the situation calls for it. While there may be anxiety that comes with taking on such responsibility, Virgos are excellent problem solvers.

To work with the energies of this full moon in Virgo, consider addressing any issues that keep you from being your most efficient self. Think about how you can best organize your daily schedules and routines so that you work smarter, not harder. This is a great time to do your taxes, review your budget, and do other financial maintenance.

Get on top of your health regimen (diet, exercise, hydration, sleep schedule). Remember that your body is the vehicle for your soul. You need your body to assist you in doing the spiritual work.

Consider this full moon cycle to be training for all the exciting things you want to accomplish the rest of the year.

Join me on Patreon for more astrology talk plus Tarot readings for your zodiac sign.

Full Moon in Aries — How To Work With The Energies

Created by Adriene Joyce (Ms. Joyce Tarot) with Dream by Wombo. All rights reserved.

The full moon in Aries, the last supermoon of the year, reaches peak illumination on September 29, 5:58 a.m. eastern time. Generally, full moon cycles are not ideal to begin something completely new. But they are good times to:

  • Work on something you have already started
  • Plan for new beginnings at a later date (preferably during a new moon cycle)
  • Eliminate practices and situations that are outdated and no longer work for you
  • Reap the rewards of your previous hard work.

The last point fits perfectly with the theme of this Aries full moon. This one is called the Harvest Moon—a name first used by the Algonquin and Iroquois tribes of North America because it is the full moon that is closest to the fall equinox in the northern hemisphere. Therefore, if you have been working toward a particular goal, the cosmic forces are aligned right now to give you what you have been trying to achieve.

Keep in mind that not everything will happen at once! But there is a good chance you will start to see the pieces fall in place for you. Eclipse season is right around the corner, arriving in about 2 weeks with the new moon in Libra. Now is the time to start preparing for what may lie ahead.

The zodiac sign of Aries is about taking decided action. Among other things, the Aries archetype is known for getting their wants and needs met. To work with the full moon energy, eliminate situations that keep you from going after your dreams. For example, catch yourself when you engage in negative self-talk and redirect the internal conversation to a more positive attitude.

Although Aries likes to initiate new projects, use that fiery passion instead to move existing projects along closer to completion. Stay focused on the present moment and pay attention when the rewards and benefits of your past efforts start to pay off. These opportunities may seem new anyway because maybe you had given up on the idea that they would come through!

Put the dynamic Aries energy to good use and further your success.

(Join my Patreon page for weekly astrological forecasts that include detailed 3-card Tarot readings for each zodiac sign. Or you can visit my Patreon shop to purchase the latest weekly post.)

New Moon in Virgo — How To Work With The Energies

Created by Adriene Joyce (Ms. Joyce Tarot) with Dream by Wombo. All rights reserved.

This new moon in Virgo has some special sauce on it! It is exact tonight, September 14 at 9:40 p.m. eastern time. The special sauce is that Mercury retrograde in Virgo ends tomorrow, September 15 at 1:21 p.m. eastern. New moons are about new beginnings and with Mercury retrograde out of the way, we can feel freer to move forward with our plans without worrying too much about frustrating delays. Keep in mind that the Mercury post-retrograde shadow period ends on September 29, so continue to stay alert and pay attention to details.

The good news is that paying attention to detail is in line with the practical, earth sign Virgo archetype. Virgo is also a mutable sign, which means that it has the flexibility to deal with changes and come up with a new, logical course of action.

To work with the energy of the Virgo new moon, reevaluate how you function on a day-to-day basis. Do you give yourself enough time to do all that you want to get done? Go back to the drawing board and establish new daily routines and schedules if you think it would be more efficient and better suited to your needs.

Virgo is also about taking care of the physical body and doing things to maintain your health. This new moon cycle would be a good time to change your eating habits for the better, improve your sleep schedule, and/or to start a new exercise program. If you haven’t been to the doctor lately just for a routine checkup, you may want to consider it.

Another characteristic attributed to Virgo is being of service to others, which can manifest in so many ways. If there are situations in your life that call for you to help someone personally, as part of your job, or as a volunteer, the Universal vibes are supportive of that.

This 2-week new moon cycle will be a great time to clean up any problems that may have cropped up during the past few weeks and to start fresh with any new ideas that you have been putting off because of the Mercury retrograde. Virgo, which is ruled by Mercury, is mentally sharp. Tap into that energy. Put your thinking cap on and create at will!

Join my Patreon page for weekly astrological forecasts that include detailed 3-card Tarot readings for each zodiac sign.

Tarot Card Meditation: The Four Of Wands

Today’s card is the Four of Wands from the Wild Unknown Tarot. The Four of Wands is about completion and celebration. This card often represents going to an event, such as a party or cookout. Is something like that happening for you?

You can also celebrate the small things, like last night’s good sleep, or the quiet day today you can spend by yourself relaxing.

And celebrations don’t have to be elaborate. It could be simply be a nice cup of coffee or tea, feeling grateful for the here and now.

(A version of this post originally appeared on my Patreon page on January 16, 2021. Join to unlock daily tarot readings like this one. A 7-day free trial is available!)

New Moon in Leo — How To Work With The Energies

Created by Adriene Joyce (Ms. Joyce Tarot) with Dream by Wombo. All rights reserved.

Happy new moon in Leo! The new moon was exact today at 5:38 a.m. This new moon takes place between two full moons in the month of August—We had a full moon in Aquarius on August 1 and we’ll have another full moon, this one in Pisces, on August 30. (When there are two full moons in a calendar month, it’s called a “blue moon.”)

New moon cycles are great for beginning new things. Yet you may want to be cautious about how and where you focus your manifesting energies this time around. We are currently in the pre-Mercury retrograde shadow period. Mercury retrograde itself, in Virgo, will begin on August 23rd, which is still within this new moon cycle. Venus retrograde in Leo, the same sign as the new moon, will end on August 23rd, but that is still a funky influence to deal with. (Correction: Venus retrograde ends on September 3! However, the same message applies 😇)

As a result, this new moon in Leo may feel as if you’re all dressed up with nowhere to go. The Leo archetype is eager to show themselves to the world in an attention-grabbing way. Yet now is not the time to live out loud but rather to use your inside voice. If you want to start anything new, focus on changing your mindset and behavior. Clean up any issues that were stirred up during the Venus retrograde. As for the Mercury retrograde, pay close attention to what is unfolding in your life and try to minimize mix-ups and confusion. Not everything is avoidable, unfortunately, but you can give it your best shot.

To work with the energies of the Leo new moon, lean into the Leo trait of creativity and use it to solve problems. Leo is a fire sign, so get excited and passionate about creating a new youstarting from the inside and working your way outward. And following in Leo’s footsteps as a fixed sign, be determined and steadfast in meeting your goals.

Join me on my Patreon page to hear more advice on how to navigate this new moon cycle. That post also includes detailed 3-card Tarot readings for each zodiac sign.

Today’s 777 Portal

Today can be considered a mystical portal that carries the energy of 777. Based on the date, the 777 portal refers to July as the 7th month, today’s date (the 7th), and the numbers in the year 2023 reducing to 7 (2+2+3=7), according to a numerology technique.

In Tarot, the 7’s represent the motivation to make needed changes. Change is rarely easy.

In numerology, the number 7 is about digging deep to find truth.

Today, walk through today’s 777 portal and step into your authentic truth.

Thoughts on Sagittarius Season and Beyond

As today is the start of Sagittarius season this year, I was cycling through my thoughts of what the archetype of that sign is. In my view, each zodiac sign in its highest expression has a lesson to teach us.

Sagittarius is the philosopher who gains wisdom through travel and experience. It then teaches others what they have learned.

Going beyond that, Sagittarius season morphs into that of Capricorn. Capricorn is the highest expression of ego. Ego, which seeks to show the world its best self, is not a bad thing, as ego is sometimes portrayed. Rather, it can be the vehicle for us to be leaders and to practice integrity.

After that is Aquarius, who at its height is a unique individual who respects the uniqueness of all individuals. Pisces is unity consciousness.