Tag Archives: solar eclipse

New Moon/Solar Eclipse In Aries – How To Work With The Energies

The new moon/solar eclipse in Aries is finally here! The new moon will be exact on April 8 at 2:21 p.m. eastern time.

This is a total solar eclipse, which will be visible across a narrow path in North America from Mexico to Canada. Locations in the U.S. that will be in the path of 100% totality are portions of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont New Hampshire, Maine, Tennessee, and Michigan.

However, no matter where you are in the world, we all will feel the energetic influence of this powerful solar eclipse.

New moons are symbolic of new beginnings and as I often say, solar eclipses are new moons on steroids. When it comes to eclipses, people have various ways of working with the energies. For my part, as I mentioned with the lunar eclipse in Libra 2 weeks ago and as I say with every eclipse, eclipses are not the ideal time to push your agenda either way.

Eclipses represent major shifts in energy and there may be changes happening in your life that you didn’t exactly plan for, or else something in your soul calls you to follow through with specific actions. Consider dealing with what you already have on your plate until the conditions are better for moving forward.

When we think of the new moon in Aries, the cardinal sign of new starts, high energy, and bold action, it would seem that all systems are ready to go. But, because this new moon is also a solar eclipse, there may be details you must attend to first—not to mention the emotions that may be stirred up within you.  Also keep in mind that we are right in the middle of a Mercury retrograde, in the sign Aries no less. So, this is not a great time for pushing new beginnings.

But how is this for Divine timing: Mercury retrograde will be over on April 24, the same day as the Full moon in Scorpio! That will be a great opportunity to clean up the mess and get rid of what no longer serves your highest good. Then, the new moon in Taurus will be on May 7 and Mercury retrograde post-shadow period is over on May 13. When we get there, set intentions to manifest to your heart’s desire!

Join me on Patreon for more astrology talk plus Tarot readings for your zodiac sign.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Libra — How To Work With The Energies

Created by Adriene Joyce (Ms. Joyce Tarot) with Dream by Wombo. All rights reserved.

The new moon/solar eclipse in Libra is on October 14. The new moon is exact at 1:55 p.m. eastern time.

This eclipse is an annular, meaning that when the moon is centered exactly over the sun, people in the path of this eclipse see the sun as a “ring of fire” as opposed to being totally blacked out. With this eclipse, the ring of fire will be visible in certain parts of California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico, if the weather is clear. The eclipse process will start at 11:03 a.m. eastern to 4:55 p.m. eastern, based on the first location to see the eclipse to the last.

With the new moon in Libra being a solar eclipse, it is powerful in terms of its metaphysical energy. Eclipses are thought to bring change to our lives. However, these changes rarely come out of the blue. Usually, eclipses steer your life in a different direction than what you thought it would be based on what you already have going on. It’s a continuation of your life, so there’s no need to fear.

Many people like to do manifestation rituals during new moons—and it might seem that harnessing the energy of the solar eclipse would give your spiritual workings an extra boost. However, I would caution against trying to actively manifest during the exact time of the new moon/solar eclipse. It may be best to experience how you feel in the moment and observe any developments that occur as a result of the eclipse energy. A few days after the eclipse, once the energies are more established, you will have a better idea of how you want to proceed.

Something to think about with this particular new moon/solar eclipse are the aspects and qualities of Libra. Libra, in part, is a sign that involves relationships. It is about trying to find balance, interpersonal harmony, and compromise. The shadow aspect of Libra is to compromise with others to the point that you lose yourself in the process and possibly act against your own best interests.

When the time is right for starting new projects, manifestation, and working with the new moon energies, try to strike a true balance between having harmonious relationships and satisfying your own desires. After all, Venus is the ruling planet of Libra, and Venus, in part, is about seeking comfort and beauty for your own enjoyment. With a little effort, it is possible to be true to your own needs and still be respectful of others. In cases where an agreement can’t be reached, it’s okay to walk away from the deal in order to serve your highest good.

Remember, having a disagreement doesn’t mean that you will be disliked, although being disliked by someone is not the worst thing in the world. Betraying yourself, however, is high on the list of worst things.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse In Aries—How To Work With The Energies

Created by Adriene Joyce (Ms. Joyce Tarot) with Dream by Wombo. All rights reserved.

Finally, here we are at the new moon/solar eclipse in Aries—or at least we will be soon, as I’m posting this article before the big show begins! The journey of the moon eclipsing the sun starts at 9:36 p.m. Eastern time on April 19 and ends at 2:59 a.m. April 20. The new moon will be exact on April 20 at 12:12 a.m. To make things more exciting, the sun enters Taurus a few hours later at 4:14 a.m. and Mercury retrograde in Taurus starts the next day, April 21, at 8:35 am.

As I mentioned last month, this is the second new moon in Aries we had this year. The first was at 0 degrees of Aries on March 21 and this one is at 29 degrees. Solar eclipses are defined as a new moon that is within 17 degrees of a lunar node. In this case, the new moon will be very close to the north node, which is at 1 degree Taurus.

Astrologically speaking, solar eclipses are about new beginnings, just like any new moon—except on steroids! Eclipses are associated with dramatic life changes, but it really depends on your individual birth chart whether or not you will be affected. Not every eclipse brings dramatic changes for every single person, and by the same token, some eclipses trigger a global event where many people are affected. Keep in mind that there could be welcome changes coming your way. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

A topic of debate is whether to try to manifest new beginnings during a solar eclipse/new moon. If you want to make manifest something specific and you typically do rituals or meditations for that purpose, I suggest not doing it on the same day as the new moon/solar eclipse. The eclipse energy is strong enough by itself, the moon is still dark, and your efforts may not produce the results you are looking for. Instead, wait to do any manifestation rituals at least 24 hours after the new moon when the first sliver of light from the new moon appears in the sky.

However, this time around, Mercury retrograde starts right around the time that the new moon is visible in the sky. And Mercury retrograde in and of itself is not an ideal time to start new projects! I suggest not starting anything brand new during the retrograde period, but it will be a great time to take a closer look at what you are already working on. Improve and make changes as needed.

With all that is going on, having the sun, Mercury, and the north node in Taurus may have a stabilizing effect for the eclipse energies. Also, Gemini is now in Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus, while Taurus is in Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini. That is called a mutual reception, which can provide a stabilizing force for Mercury retrograde in Taurus.

All in all, in honor of the new moon cycle and in true Aries fashion, continue to assert yourself as a mover and shaker. In addition, now that Taurus season is upon us, know that you as a person are more valuable than any of your material possessions.

Words for the Weekend (Pre-Eclipse Season Edition)

Eclipse season starts on October 25 with the new moon in Scorpio. Here are messages from Spirit to help us prepare for this powerful energy. Check the readings for your sun, moon, and rising.

Deck used: The Frida Kahlo Tarot

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Taurus – Virgo – Capricorn

Now is the time to make those deep cuts

Let go of what doesn’t serve you so that you can enter eclipse season with a clean slate

Gemini – Libra – Aquarius

Pay attention to what’s going on around you right now

Your awareness can help lessen—or even avoid—any challenges coming your way

Aries – Leo –Sagittarius

Allow your soft spots to show

Trust and be trusted, as vulnerability can help you connect with others during this sensitive time

Cancer – Scorpio – Pisces

Anxiety and insecurity may eat away at your confidence

Don’t act on these feelings

Hold steady, breathe, and let the moment pass

New Moon/Solar Eclipse In Taurus-Astrology Check-In

The new moon/solar eclipse in Taurus will happen on April 30, 2022, at 4:28 PM EDT. Eclipse energy is powerful and can set events in motion that will affect us for months to come. Here is some Tarot advice to help you get you through the first blast of energy and to get a peek at what might be in store for you down the road.

Taurus – Leo – Scorpio – Aquarius
(sun/moon/rising/north node/south node)

Nine of Blades (Swords) and Three of Wands

You fixed signs may feel the eclipse energies more than others, especially Taurus and Scorpio.

Your anxiety may try to send you over the edge. But once you calm your nerves, the path forward will be clear for you to see

Gemini – Virgo – Sagittarius – Pisces
(sun/moon/rising/north node/south node)

Valet (Page) of Wands and Five of Goblets (Cups)

You will be inspired to take decisive action as the eclipse energy unfolds.

Don’t be discouraged if your plans don’t fall into place right away. Take it step by step. This is a process.

Aries – Cancer – Libra – Capricorn
(sun/moon/rising/north node/south node)

King of Goblets (Cups) and Eight of Wands

The emotional aspect of the eclipse energies may be easier for you to handle than other signs.  That’s a good thing, because events will be happening fast.

Hang on tight and ride the waves!

Daily Tarot Energy Reading for December 3, 2021

The Tarot cards for today are the Ace of Swords and the Knight of Wands. With the new moon/solar eclipse happening late tonight/tomorrow (depending on where you live), this is the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. You are ready to move forward with all the lessons you learned over the past 18 months. You may receive news that supports the idea that all systems are go. Enjoy this moment of clarity and excitement.

Two special readings are available! Click the links to find out more about the Sagittarius Season Reading and the December “You Are A Gift” Reading. Hurry! These offerings are time-limited.

Daily Tarot Energy Reading for December 2, 2021

The Tarot cards for today are the World and the Eight of Pentacles. We are coming up on the new moon/solar eclipse on December 4th. It will be the last eclipse on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis that we’ve been experiencing for the past 18 months. Think about your successes as we come to the end of this cycle. But it is also a new moon, which of course is about new beginnings. As one cycle ends, we begin a new one. Dedicate yourself to achieving the goals that are near and dear to your heart. Renew your sense of purpose.

Two special readings are available! Click the links to find out more about the Sagittarius Season Reading and the December “You Are A Gift” Reading. Hurry! These offerings are time-limited.

Daily Tarot Reading for December 16, 2020

The Tarot card for today is the 4 of Hearts. This  card is often about detaching from emotions because the intensity is too much. If this is you today, then maybe you are feeling some aftereffects of the solar eclipse we experienced on Monday . Now that the energy of it is settling in, you may simply need an emotional break. It’s nothing to worry about. Take a nap if you need to and are able to during the day. Otherwise, just go through the motions and do what you have to do as part of your duties and responsibilities. At the end of the day, kick back, relax, and turn in for the night a little earlier than usual.

Book a personal reading with me here or else join me on Patreon, where you can get monthly personal readings.

Daily Tarot Reading for December 14, 2020

Happy new moon and solar eclipse, all! The Tarot card for today is the 4 of Clubs. This is a card of celebration, and in my view, today’s solar eclipse is a cause to celebrate. For me, the immediate energy is one of joy. We have all accomplished something to get to this point in time. But this is also a card about community. There may be some of us who are feeling anxious today or some other uncomfortable feeling. If that is the case for you, reach out to others in whatever way you can. If nothing else, they may be able to give you an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, or some words of encouragement.

Book a personal reading with me here or else join me on Patreon, where you can get monthly personal readings.

Daily Tarot Reading for December 11, 2020

The Tarot card for today is the 8 of Hearts/the Moon. We are ending the full moon cycle and approaching the new moon/solar eclipse next week. This is a great time to sit with your emotions and continue to strengthen your intuition. It’s all too easy to take your emotions for granted. Our society, generally speaking, tends to not encourage people to do the inner spiritual work. Of course, logic and thinking are essential to getting us through the day. It’s just that feeling and experiencing are equally as important. Listen to what your heart is telling you with the same respect you would give to any one of your thoughts. Authenticity is about recognizing all aspects of your personal existence.

Book a personal reading with me here or else join me on Patreon, where you can get monthly personal readings.