Tag Archives: The Angel Tarot

Daily Tarot Reading for 6-18-2019

The Tarot cards for today are the World (Angel of Success) and the Sun (Angel of Happiness). As far as a combination of cards are concerned, you almost can’t get any better than this! As you bask in the full moon energy, celebrate the successes that you earned through you hard work during the past couple of weeks. With energy as good as this, continue to let go of fears and self-limiting ideas that hold you back.

If you would like a book a personal reading with me, click here take a look at the options available. Or  else, look at my Patreon page and join the growing family of patrons!

Daily Tarot Reading for 6-17-2019

The Tarot card for today is the Ace of Swords (Victory). Today is the full moon, so it is indeed a time where we can celebrate victory. The full moon period is when we begin to see the outcome of the hard work we have put in since the new moon two weeks ago. But as the Ace of Swords confirms, this is also a time to get rid of outdated ideas that hold us back from enjoying the fruits of our labor.

If you would like a book a personal reading with me, click here take a look at the options available. Or  else, look at my Patreon page and join the growing family of patrons!

Daily Tarot Reading for 6-14-2019

The Tarot Cards for today are the World (Angel of Success) and Justice (Angel of Integrity). This is a fantastic way to end the week. This combination of cards let’s us know that if there are any situations that are up in the air and unresolved, you can expect to get a fantastic result—maybe even better than you could have imagined.

If you would like a book a personal reading with me, click here take a look at the options available.

If you would like to see the cards I pull for Saturday and Sunday, take a look at my Patreon page and join the growing family of patrons!

Daily Tarot Reading for 6-13-2019

The Tarot cards for today are the Seven of Cups (Choices) and the Chariot (Angel of Guidance). You may be faced with a lot of emotional situations to try to manage, but the Chariot is letting you know that you can handle it all. Just keep focused on where you want to go and things will be alright.

If you would like a book a personal reading with me, click here take a look at the options available.

I also offer monthly Tarot reading through my  Patreon page. Take a look and join the growing Patreon family.

Daily Tarot Reading for 6-12-2019

The Tarot card for today is the Knight of Swords (Drama). You and those around you will have plenty of ideas to throw around and there will be a lot of talk. Just remember not to speak too quickly or to put your foot in your mouth. If you can avoid those things, then go full speed ahead.

If you would like a book a personal reading with me, click here take a look at the options available.

I also offer monthly Tarot reading through my  Patreon page. Take a look and join the growing Patreon family.

Daily Tarot Reading for 6-11-2019

The Tarot card for today is the Emperor. Like we had yesterday, this card is a Major Arcana card, which shows that we may be at an important turning point in our lives. If you have a decision to make today, go with your logic instead of with your heart, for a change. Now is a good time to play the game by the rules.

If you would like a book a personal reading with me, click here take a look at the options available.

I also offer monthly Tarot reading through my  Patreon page. Take a look and join the growing Patreon family.

Daily Tarot Reading for 6-10-2019

The Tarot card for today is the Hanged Man (Angel of Prophesy). A lot may have been going on in your life lately, so today is a great day to pause and try to see things from a new perspective. And if you can’t pause, do the opposite of what you usually do, such as say yes to a situation instead of no, or don’t react if you would usually react. You may see a difference in how it all plays out.

If you would like a book a personal reading with me, click here take a look at the options available.

I also offer monthly Tarot reading through my  Patreon page. Take a look and join the growing Patreon family.


Daily Tarot Reading for 6-7-2019

The Tarot card of the day is the Queen of Swords (Independence). Yesterday, we talked about isolation, and sometimes there can be a thin line between feeling alone and being independent. Be proud of yourself if you can do anything independently for yourself, even if that simply means you are an independent thinker. If you need help from others to do certain things, that’s okay— we all do. But don’t overlook even the small things that you can do for yourself. Whether you are a man or a woman, tap into the Queen of Swords strength.

I now pull cards 7 days a week. If you would like to see the cards I pull for Saturday and Sunday, take a look at my Patreon page and become a patron!

Daily Tarot Reading for 6-6-2019

The Tarot cards for today are the Seven of Swords (Theft) and the Five of Pentacles (Isolation). Sometimes, we deceive ourselves into thinking things are worse than they are. Even though things may seem bleak, try not to feel as if you are truly isolated and alone. There are resources out there and people to connect to. If nothing else, there is the Universe, the Divine, Source, or however you identify a higher being, and even your own Higher Self.

If you would like a book a personal reading with me, click here take a look at the options available.

Become a patron of Ms. Joyce Tarot and reap some awesome rewards, such as monthly personal readings and more. Take a look at our Patreon page.

Daily Tarot Reading for 6-5-2019

The Tarot card of the day is the Hermit (Angel of Reflection). Value your own wisdom. When listening to other people, take what resonates with you and use your own understanding when it doesn’t resonate. After all, there also may be people who are looking to you for your guidance and experience.

If you would like a book a personal reading with me, click here take a look at the options available.

Become a patron of Ms. Joyce Tarot and reap some awesome rewards, such as monthly personal readings and more. Take a look at our Patreon page.