Tag Archives: The High Priestess

Daily Tarot Energy Reading for July 29, 2021

The Tarot cards for today are the High Priestess and the Seven of Pentacles. Sometimes we present an image to the world that is different from how we feel inside. And sometimes we are not honest with ourselves. Do yourself the favor of admitting who you are and what you want in life, even if things take longer than expected and show up in unexpected ways. Hold space for your dreams.

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Daily Tarot Energy Reading for July 19, 2021

Hi, all! The Tarot cards for today are the Six of Cups and the High Priestess. Thoughts of the past may be your focus right now. Keep in mind that memories often reveal the emotional truth of a situation, not necessarily the hard facts. Reach inside to pull out the emotional truth of your thoughts today. Express yourself to others. Tap into your inner child, because in its purest form, the inner child doesn’t hesitate to show the outside world how it feels.

Book a reading with me or join me on Patreon for personal readings and more.

Daily Tarot Energy Reading for July 6, 2021

The Tarot cards for today are the Ace of Wands and the High Priestess. You may have some ideas for a new project you want to start and you are ready to bring those ideas to life. Call on the power of your subconscious and dreams to fuel your desire. You inner world is the source of your passion. Use this combination of inner drive and outward action to your advantage.

Book a reading with me or join me on Patreon for personal readings and more.

Daily Tarot Reading for April 20, 2021

The Tarot cards for today are the High Priestess and Death. Like yesterday, we are being asked to look at deep inside our emotions and intuition. Are you the same person on the inside as you are when you are in public?The time has come where you will have to make the transformation from hiding your true self to being who you really are. The difference between the two is probably the source of any unhappiness you feel.

Get personal readings with me and exclusive content on Patreon.

Daily Tarot Reading for April 15, 2021

The Tarot cards for today are Judgement and the High Priestess. Every once in a while it’s good to take a look at the past. Are you holding onto any feelings about the past that drag you down? Sometimes the key to resolving the pain is to forgive either yourself or others. It may be a matter of acceptance. Nothing about this is easy. Go inward to connect with your emotions and intuition to help you sort everything out.

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Daily Tarot Reading for November 4, 2020

The Tarot card for today is the 2 of Diamonds. Are you truly being yourself? Spirit is asking us  to look within and figure out if we really are who we say we are. In a perfect world, we are able to be who we want to be—meaning we can express to the outside world the same thoughts and feelings we have inside. Explore how this concept plays out in your life. Are you able to strike a reasonable balance between your authentic self with the person you present yourself to be?

Book a personal reading with me here or else join me on Patreon, where you can get monthly personal readings.

Daily Tarot Reading for April 21, 2020

The Tarot card for today is the High Priestess. In many ways, this card represents the qualities of the moon, which has a side that is always facing us and a dark side that is never shown. The High Priestess asks us to understand our duality and look even further into the our dark side. Don’t hide from yourself. Know who you are and live from that space of authenticity.

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Daily Tarot Reading for April 7, 2020

The Tarot card for today is the High  Priestess. Happy Full Moon everyone! The High Priestess card is associated with the moon, and like the moon, this card represents duality…the hidden and the seen. Today, we are encouraged us to look at what is hidden—meaning, what we think and feel inside. Then, we are asked to be authentic and to express our true self to the outside world. That is our goal, after all, when it is all said and done: To be the same person on the outside as we are on the inside.

Book a personal reading through my Etsy shop.

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Daily Tarot Reading – Extended Weekend Report 3-15 to 3-17-2019

The Tarot card for today, tomorrow, and Sunday is the High Priestess (Angel of Power). Remember that power is not just about physical strength or even the ability to influence people. It is mostly about being able to look inward, to recognize your authentic self, and to trust your own personal wisdom. Don’t try to be perfect. Instead try to get in touch with the different aspects of your personality. When you develop this awareness, it is easier to tap into your inner strength. Feel the power in that.

Have a wonderful weekend.

(If you would like a book a personal reading, take a look at the options available at my MsJoyceTarot shop.)