Tag Archives: Seven of Pentacles

Daily Tarot Energy Reading for March 24, 2022

The Tarot cards for today are the Seven of Coins and the Seven of Rods. You might be feeling frustrated today, thinking that you are not as far along as you want to be in achieving your goals. You may think that other people are standing in your way, somehow. A card pulled from the Butterfly Affirmations Oracle card deck says:

I don’t need to control life.
I believe in magic and miracles.

You simply have to trust in Divine timing, and you certainly can’t control what other people do. So, believe that what is meant for you and your highest good will present itself to you soon enough.

Starting April 1, 2022, the Daily Energy Readings will be posted on my Patreon page exclusively. Visit my Patreon page for more details and consider joining. https://patreon.com/msjoycetarot

Daily Tarot Energy Reading for January 26, 2022

The Tarot cards for today are the Tower and the Seven of Coins. There may be a shake up in your world, but that doesn’t mean it will be a disaster. Even minor delays can be a wake up call for you to rethink your strategy. You may have to start over with a better plan. On the other hand, you may get a pleasant surprise that makes you feel like you are on the right track after all.

Book a reading: https://msjoycetarot.com/book-a-tarot-reading
Become a Patron: https://patreon.com/msjoycetarot
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Daily Tarot Energy Reading for December 13, 2021

Hi, Everyone! The Tarot cards for today are the 2 of Pentacles and the 7 of Pentacles. For many of you, this will be a typical Monday. You will go about the business of practical living, which may include performing duties for a job, your family, or yourself. It may be hard to keep up your enthusiasm. You may feel bored. Sometimes the weekends are just not long enough! If you can, take breaks during the day to rest or to do something fun. Do small things to break up the routine. It may be a long day, but you will get through it.

Two special readings are available! Click the links to find out more about the Sagittarius Season Reading and the December “You Are A Gift” Reading. Hurry! These offerings are time-limited.

Daily Tarot Energy Reading for July 29, 2021

The Tarot cards for today are the High Priestess and the Seven of Pentacles. Sometimes we present an image to the world that is different from how we feel inside. And sometimes we are not honest with ourselves. Do yourself the favor of admitting who you are and what you want in life, even if things take longer than expected and show up in unexpected ways. Hold space for your dreams.

Book a reading with me or join me on Patreon for personal readings and more.

Daily Tarot Reading for June 4, 2021

The Tarot cards for today are the Seven of Discs and the Moon. Retrograde energy, particularly the Saturn retrograde, may have you feeling as if projects are slow to move forward. Now that we are in eclipse season, circumstances may begin to shift gears. There may be things happening beneath the surface that you are unaware of yet. As we head toward the new moon/solar eclipse on June 10th, those things may come to light. And the end results may come as a welcome surprise to you. Keep the faith.

Book a reading with me or join me on Patreon for personal readings and more.

Daily Tarot Reading for April 12, 2021

Happy New Moon in Aries, everyone! The Tarot cards for today are the Nine of Wands and Seven of Pentacles. You have been working so hard lately and you are making sure that nothing and no one destroys anything you have put your blood, sweat, and tears into. Also, you may be waiting to see the benefits of your labor. Relax. Nobody can take away your accomplishments and the rewards will come. Continue to live your life and you will soon see results.

Get a personal reading with me and access to exclusive content. Join me on Patreon.

Daily Tarot Reading for April 6, 2021

The Tarot cards for today are the 4 of Swords and 7 of Pentacles. Similar to our message from yesterday, you could be feeling the stress of your recent hard work. Lots of thinking and planning on your part has you feeling exhausted. Maybe you are trying to do too much at one time in order to see the results as quickly as possible. Stop the wheels from turning in your head and give yourself the space to process information. Keep in mind that any projects you are working on will take time to nurture and grow. Step back. Have a little patience.

Join me on Patreon  for personal readings and exclusive content.

Daily Tarot Reading for January 21, 2021

The Tarot card for today is the Seven of Pentacles. These days, there is a lot of talk about change and transition in the world. But many of us are impatiently looking for positive results to manifest. Today’s card Our card reminds us that change rarely happens overnight. If the seeds of change have been planted, they need time to grow. Keep that in mind and continue to tend the garden.

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If you would like a personal reading, click here to purchase one. Or else join me on Patreon, where you can get monthly personal readings.

Daily Tarot Reading for October 2, 2020

The Tarot card for today is the 7 of Diamonds. This card combines the energy of the 7 of Pentacles and the Star. So think about what you are trying to manifest right now. Have things been slow to appear in in your reality? The 7 of Diamonds is encouraging you to have hope. Don’t let delays stop you from believing in your dreams. Keep your spirits up and continue to create.

Book a personal reading with me here or else join me on Patreon, where you can get monthly personal readings.

Daily Tarot Reading for August 12, 2020

The Tarot card for today is the Seven of Pentacles. Something you have been working so hard to manifest is taking a long time to show up in your life. This might be a good time to evaluate whether it is worth putting more energy into it or if you should let go and move on.

Book a personal reading with me here or else join me on Patreon, where you can get monthly personal readings.