Tag Archives: Seven of Pentacles

Daily Tarot Reading for July 22, 2020

The Tarot card for today is the Seven of Pentacles. Have you been waiting for your new beginning to show up in the world? It may seem like nothing is changing for you despite all your hard work . But maybe things are happening – it’s just that it will take time for the results to be noticeable. Be patient with your life. Continue to create and engage in other projects. One day you will notice how your small seed sprouts into a beautiful tree.

Book a personal reading with me here or else join me on Patreon, where you can get monthly personal readings.

Daily Tarot Reading for April 3, 2020

The Tarot card for today is the Seven of Coins. We had this card earlier in the week, so we probably really need to get this message: Relax. At this point in time, there are some things that are not in our control. If things are not going the way you want them to, or if they are moving too slow, be flexible. Know that the entire world is slowed down and we all have to wait for one thing or another.  Do something else in the meantime and know that this is a temporary situation.

If you would like a personal Tarot reading, send me a message, visit my Etsy shop. Become a patron to get monthly personal readings and exclusive content.

Daily Tarot Reading for March 31, 2020

The Tarot card for today is the Seven of Coins. In some ways, life has been put on hold as we deal with this worldwide health crisis. There may be things that you were doing before that has now come to a standstill, or things you would like to do start now but can’t because of the shutdowns. Remember that this is a temporary setback and that things will change over time. Don’t get frustrated because of the things you have no direct control over.  Instead, make the most of your time while you wait by figuring out how to work around blockages, doing other constructive things, or simply having patience.

If you would like a personal Tarot reading, send me a message, visit my Etsy shop. Become a patron to get monthly personal readings and exclusive content.

Daily Tarot Reading for October 10, 2019

The Tarot for today is the Seven of Pentacles. We are in the last days of the new moon cycle and we are still planting seeds and trying out new things. But we may not think things are moving along fast enough. However, some things take time. So don’t be too quick to give up.

Your comments here are welcome. If you would like a personal reading, feel free to send me a message, visit my Etsy shop, or become a patron. If you like this blog, leave a testimonial.

Daily Tarot Reading for 4-16-2019

The Tarot cards of the day are the Seven of Pentacles (Vision) and the Three of Cups (Celebration). Things may not look the way you want them to right now, but soon you will have reason for celebration.

If you would like a book a personal reading, take a look at the options available at my MsJoyceTarot shop.

Daily Tarot Reading – Extended Weekend Report 9-14 to 9-16-2018

The Tarot cards for today, Saturday, and Sunday are the Seven of Pentacles and Temperance. This week our theme was opposing forces and today we continue with that idea. The Seven of Pentacles suggests that maybe you have invested time/money/emotions in a project, person, or just about anything. Now you are hoping to get something in return for the effort you put in. You may be getting impatient. The Temperance card is saying, “Don’t stress over it.” Go with the flow.  You have already put the effort in. Enjoy the other things life has to offer and the results will show themselves in time.

Have a fabulous weekend.

Daily Tarot Reading for 3-20-2018

The Tarot card for the day is the Seven of Pentacles. It may be the first day of spring here in the northern hemisphere, but the flowers have not begun to bloom yet. Like the character shown in the Seven of Pentacles card, you may be impatient waiting for the flowers and other things in your life to come to to life. But be patient. It may take a few more weeks but you will eventually see the benefit of the work you have put in. Make sure you don’t dig up the seeds before they have a chance to grow.

Have a great day.

Daily Tarot Reading for 1-16-2018

The Tarot card for today is the Seven of Pentacles. Patience, my friend. If it seems as though things are at a standstill, plans are delayed, or you are otherwise feeling stuck, don’t worry. Your goals will come to fruition in due time. Keep nurturing them — and just allow.

Daily Tarot Reading for 1-9-2018

The card for today is the Seven of Pentacles. It may seem like nothing is moving forward after all the work you’ve been putting in lately. But not to worry. Your harvest will bear fruit at exactly the right time. So stay the course. Keep doing what you’re doing and you will see results in due time.

Daily Tarot Reading for 11-1-2017

Today’s card is the Seven of Pentacles. You’ve been working hard and you are now starting to see a return on your investment. This investment could be money, time spent working on a project, emotional investment put into a relatively new relationship, or energy put into fixing an established relationship.

Things are going well but you think that it could be better. You may want to start over again and do things differently. However, remember that instant perfection is not the goal. Be happy with how things are going so far and build on what you already have. Stick with the plan.

You have accomplished a lot. Be grateful for how far you’ve come and optimistic about where you will be . Your return will grow even bigger before you know it.